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Showing Doves

One of the most enjoyable parts of keeping doves is the opportunity to show them. Dove shows are sponsored by the American Dove Association (ADA) as often as possible with the primary show being scheduled in conjunction with the National Young Bird Show (NYBS) held each October in Louisville, Kentucky. The NYBS is an extremely large and extensive pigeon show sponsored by the Louisville Pigeon Club.

In addition to the NYBS, other dove shows are sponsored throughout the year at various places around the country, often in conjunction with other pigeon and cage-bird shows. If members are interested in the ADA sponsoring a dove show, there are requirements and guidelines available in the Member's Area of this website.

Those who show their doves in ADA sanctioned shows for five consecutive years are eligible to accumulate points toward obtaining the Master Breeder Award presented by the ADA upon the receipt of 100 points. The criteria for earning points are as follows:

Champion of Show 10 points
Reserve Champion of Show 7 points
Best of a Particular Color
(& not Champion or Reserve Champion)
5 points
Each Color/Variety Class
(at least 2 birds shown in each class)

First Place

3 points

Second Place

2 points

Third place

1 point

Both Ringneck and Diamond doves may be included in ADA sanctioned shows. They are judged in the following classes:

Ringneck Dove Colors
Diamond Dove Colors
1 - Albino
2 - Apricot
3 - Light Ash
4 - Bull-eye White
5 - Cream
6 - Cream Pied
7 - Frosty
8 - Ivory
9 - Fawn/Blond
10 - Fawn/Blond Pied
11 - Blond Frosty
12 - Ash
13 - Ice
14 - Blond Ivory
15 - Ivory Pied
16 - Orange
17 - Orange Chinmoy (Orange Ring)
18 - Orange Neck
19 - Orange Pearled
20 - Orange Pied
21 - Orange White Back
22 - Peach
23 - Peach Pied
24 - Pink
25 - Pink Pearled
26 - Pink Pied
27 - Roan
28 - Rosy
29 - Rosy Pied
30 - Sunkist
31 - Tangerine
32 - Tangerine Pearled
33 - Tangerine Pied
34 - Tangerine White Back
35 - Violet Neck
36 - White
37 - Wild
38 - Wild Pied
39 - Non-Recognized Color (NRC)
40 - Silky Hens
41 - Silky Cocks
42 - Tufted Hens
43 - Tufted Cocks
44 - Crested Hens
45 - Crested Cocks
101 - Blue
102 - Blue Pied
103 - Blue Pied white tail/white rump
104 - Blue white tail/white rump
105 - Brilliant
106 - Brilliant white tail/white rump
107 - Cinnamon
108 - Cinnamon white tail/white rump
109 - Lace wing white tail/ white rump
110 - Ocher
111 - Peach
112 - Red
113 - Silver
114 - Silver white tail/ white rump
115 - Snow-White
116 - Ultimate Red
117 - Yellow
118 - Yellow white tail/white rump
119 - Non-Recognized Color (NRC)
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